For Building, Planning, or Public Works inspections leave a voicemail on the request hotline the work day prior to your requested inspection. All requests must be received prior to the 5 p.m. deadline; any requests received after 5 p.m. will be marked received the following workday. Example: Call Monday for a Tuesday inspection; Call Friday for a Monday inspection. To schedule Fire inspections, call (805) 470-3300.
Specific Requests: City Inspectors make every effort to schedule inspections based on morning or afternoon requests and to communicate with the project contact 30 minutes prior to arrival. Please include these requests in your voicemail.

When you call the Inspection Request Hotline ((805) 466-8099) be sure to have:
- Permit Number
- Site Address
- Inspection Request
- Project Contact: Name & Phone Number
- Special Request: am/pm or call ahead
Call before you cover it!
Quick Links & Resources



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When do I call in for inspection?
View the back of your permit card for inspection types; find the applicable inspections. General rule of thumb: Call before you cover it up!
I called my inspection in yesterday before 5 pm, how do I know when the inspector will show up?
On the Inspection Hotline voicemail, you may request to have your inspection in the a.m. or p.m. and to have the inspector call with a 30 minutes lead to his arrival. The City inspectors make every effort to meet all of these requests. You may call (805) 461-5000 after 8:30 a.m., the day of inspection to confirm scheduling and timeframe.
How do I contact an inspector with a Code question?
The inspectors spend most of the work day out in the field so it is highly recommended to send your inquiries by email. If your question relates to a specific inspection or correction notice left by an inspector, email that inspector directly. Direct emails can be requested at (805) 461-5000 or mail can be directed from the general mailbox
My plans are in the review process, can I begin work?
No. You must have an active permit with approved plans (if applicable) before work can begin.
Does my application or permit expire?
Yes. Your permit application is active for one year from the submittal date. That means all department approvals must be granted, all fees (except applicable development fees) must be paid, and the permit issued within one calendar year. Once the permit has been issued, a required inspection must be passed at least once every six months to keep the permit active for the project.
If you feel this window cannot be met, reach out to the Permit Technicians for information about requesting an extension before time runs out!
How do I know when the inspector will be onsite for my requested inspection?
Call the Inspection Hotline the work day prior, before 5 pm to be scheduled for the next work day. This is a voicemail system only; leave the site address, permit number, inspection request and site contact.You may include a request for AM window or PM window scheduling and/or a call ahead from the inspector. The inspectors do their best to accommodate these requests. Inspections are conducted M-F 9-12/1-4 (except holidays). Fire Department Inspections are to be scheduled through the Fire Department (805) 470-3300.
Does someone need to be onsite for the inspection?
The inspector must be able to have full uninhibited access to the project area(s); no gates, dogs, or other deterrents. An OSHA approved ladder must be onsite for roofing inspections. For interior residential inspections, someone 18 years or older must be present. The approved set of plans and permit card must be available to the inspector at the time of the inspection and thorough construction.
The inspector signed off the Final Inspection for my project, what do I do with my permit now?
You are done! Keep the permit with the signatures for future record need.